What’s happening at United:

Welcome to our website. This page is updated regularly to provide advice on our forthcoming events and activities. The other pages of the site will provide all of the other detailed information you might be looking for.


Following on from our successful auction held on Saturday 24 August, we now need to be in the bird room in September, preparing for what looks like will be a relatively busy time for our club in October with a number of upcoming events:

  • Saturday 5th October – United UBC Show

  • Sunday 20th October – United UBC Championship and State Selection Show

  • Sunday 27th October – UBC State Championship Show.

  • Further details will be provided about these shows nearer to the time.


David Spink, Secretary.


Food will be available through the day, there is also a café/ coffee shop nearby.

Copied from BCSA Newsletter, Thanks.
Important Info for Hobby.
New Varieties and Nations Program.
In ANBC news, the Any Other Standard Variety (AOSV) Motion was unanimously passed at the ANBC AGM on Monday evening. This AOSV class includes Saddlebacks, Darkwings, and Rainbows. The motion’s success now initiates the process of acceptance under ANBC By-Law guidelines.

The procedure will unfold as follows: for the first two years, the class will be displayed for public awareness and identification of the varieties, termed as Promotional. Following this, the next three or more years will be termed as an Exhibition Class.

The timeline for these phases will be as follows:
  • 2025 North Queensland (Cairns)
    Promotional Class – NO POINTS – 3 Birds per State or Zone if possible i.e.. Could include 1 variety of each e.g. 1 Saddleback, 1 Darkwing and 1 Rainbow or 2 of one variety and 1 other, or all birds are of the same variety. If any State or Zone has excess to greater numbers notification to the Host State or Zone would enhance the visual display for all.
  • 2026 South Queensland
    Promotional Class – NO POINTS – in line with the 2025 listing.
  • 2027 New South Wales
    Exhibition Class – NO POINTS – Full Staging at this National – 3 Birds per State or Zone in any combination.
  • 2028 Western Australia
    Exhibition Class – AGAIN NO POINTS – Full Staging at this National – 3 Birds per State or Zone in any combination.
  • 2029 South Australia
    Final Exhibition Class – AGAIN NO POINTS with full staging as in 2027-8.
Following the 2028 class in WA, the ANBC will assess the distribution progress of these varieties across Australia. If a sufficient number of birds are available and it is determined that a full class for points is viable, states and zones will be notified that the class will transition to a full points class at the 2030 National competition. If not deemed viable, a further two-year extension may be recommended.

This is a great outcome for the development of these varieties and combinations. The very first Aim & Objective of the BCSA is to promote, encourage and stimulate the breeding and exhibiting of budgerigars, including the improvement of existing varieties, and the development of new. This strategic decision by the ANBC should see a groundswell of interest in Darkwings, Saddlebacks and Rainbows, which can only serve to improve the variety.



The BCV is now holding joint quarterly meeting with representatives of Victorian clubs to discuss the future of the hobby in the state. Minutes of the meeting attached for those interested.

BCV Delegates Minutes 15 Janary 2024



We are pleased to announce that our club events will now occur at the Plenty Hall – 21 Memorial Drive, Plenty.
This is just off Yan Yean Road and only 5 minutes from the end of the Metropolitan Ring Road.
This hall is twice the size of the old hall. It’s another fine, heritage-style, timber hall. It boasts ample parking as well as many other great features. There is even a popular café and coffee shop a short walk away (approx 50 meters).

Link to the Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/HAYvp3KHY5fnQnDD6



West Australian Budgerigar Council (WABC) Fundraising Raffle for 2028 Nationals
Our good friends over in the West are working hard to raise money to host the Nationals in 2028. Get behind them by supporting their Auction, or their Cash Raffle. Details are below, as well as a link to Les Woodcock, who can connect you with tickets. 



Our club is now running on-line auctions of quality birds from members that had birds in other club auctions Plus other club members birds. Please support the club.

Click on link:  Next club date TBA.


Last Wednesday the 20th April at 10:30am on Inner FM Radio, regular announcer Roger Watson from Eastern Budgerigar club interrupted his music program to talk about everything Budgies with Vic Murray from United budgie club.
Have a listen, lets all do more to promote the hobby.
96.5 on the FM Dial…